   2012-09-13 11:05:59    文字:【】【】【
摘要:电影 Innocence of Muslims 感觉美国人玩得有点过火了。 为抗议美国拍摄的一部电影“侮辱”伊斯兰教先知,数十名利比亚示威者9月11日冲进美国在利第二大城市班加西的领事馆内,将多处建筑点燃。美国驻利比亚大使及三名外交官遭袭身亡.



转自 广州猎头公司

有兴趣的同学自行观看电影 Innocence of Muslims 感觉美国人玩得有点过火了。The Quran, like every other holy book, says a great many things. And some of them quite clearly call for killing, just as is the case in the Christian Bible. Religion is bad news. Period. While the Christian West has evolved over the past two millennia, apparently much of the Muslim Mid East has not, as they still live and believe as they did 1,500 years ago. The rest of the world has evolved? and moved on. They should too.



I think a movie where Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed take turns fucking each other? up the ass would have been more entertaining.我觉得来一部摩西,耶稣和穆罕默德的3P戏应该更有趣。




People who belive in any god, should be sterilized.Fuck all religions !What "god" would allow children getting raped and starved to death every day?!?!?It's about time this piece of shit world wakes? up, and take some fucking responsibility to protect the future of our children.信仰任何一神教的人需要被净化。F**K 所有的宗教!什么样的神可以允许孩子每天都被强奸和挨饿直到死去???是时候让这片狗屎的世界清醒了,采取点措施保护我们孩子的未来。


Killing shall? be equal as to spread bad propaganda? Are you serious?杀戮应该被作为坏的宣传成是平等的?你是认真的?


Anyone not liking this think it's ok to kill people because they believe in freedom of? speech and democracy!不喜欢这个的人认为杀人是没问题的,因为他们相信言论自由和民主!


in muslim land is every day a 9/11 day. your fucking? nato/christian barbar killed every day hundred of innocent People. FUCK USA,FUCK ZIONIST,Youu are the Evil ,the biggest Terrorist,USraHELL = SATAN

在穆斯林的土地上每天都在上演911.而你们操蛋的北约和基督徒每天杀死成百的无辜的人。F**k USA F**K犹太复国主义,你们是恶魔,最大的恐怖分子............美国就是地狱=撒旦


this movie will let us love our prophet more and more and we will let all the peoples in the world know? about Islam and conver slam and just today we purplish 13000 copy of Quraan in UK in English Language >>> so do what u want >>> the result always for our Islam这电影让我们更爱我们的先知并且我们要让世界上的所有人都知道伊斯兰和conver slan(翻译无力)今天我们在英国用英语出版了13000份古兰经》》》你想做什么都行》》》胜利在我们伊斯兰这边。?????? ???? ?????? ? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ?????? ????


Why this movie was made we never insulted jesus christ or made fun of the christian or any other religion all we did was telling you that you follow the wrong religion May the wrath? of allah be upon all of you who approves thiszero1990rule 12 秒前(上边的阿拉伯文貌似是要神宽恕这些人)为什么要拍这个电影,我们从来就没有拿耶稣或者上帝来搞笑或者侮辱其他宗教,我们所做的就是告诉你你最追随了错误的宗教。原安拉的愤怒降临在你们这些支持这个的人身上。


open your eyes to a world without hatred. If you've come here to vent and troll over this for whatever reason, just ask yourself why you feel the need to act so angry and superior and then if this? feeling has ever really created anything substantial. We can see by the low quality of this film how Sam IMBECILE trolling has created something even too pathetic to laugh at. Use it as an example of HOW NOT to see the world and ACT towards one another. Cuz it trully sux on every level.用你抛去仇恨的双眼看看这世界吧,如果你有任何理由来这来发泄愤怒和狂暴。请问问自己为什么你感觉你有生气的需要和优越(这里可能有错)之后如果这种感觉产生了任何实质性的东西。我们可以通过这部低品质的电影看到山姆大叔愚蠢的拍出来的东西,甚至嘲笑他都觉得可怜。把这当作一个例子,看世界如何对彼此采取行动。因为这真的存在于各个层面上。


How typical. Western countries help to kill Gadaffi and now they're butthurt? cause there's no one to control these savages.多么典型的例子。西方帮助这个国家杀了卡扎菲,现在他们屁股着火了这却没人来控制这些野蛮人。这么说是因为你的愚蠢和落后,哈哈你太蠢了,猪


This movie blows. Funny, but anything that attempts to tell? the truth about The Prophet-Fraud is funny.这电影吹牛,很有趣,但是任何试图告诉我们先知骗人的真相的都有趣。



agree with crof, this is a load of? shit. if this film was about judaism of course the makers would be accused of anti semitism.同意Crof。这就是一坨屎。如果这个电影讲的是关于犹太教的事,制片人会被指责反犹。


This video is stupid. People killing innocent, completely unrelated people? over it are stupid. Why is the world so stupid?这视频太蠢了,杀害无辜的,不相干的人是愚蠢的。为什么这个世界这么蠢?


Stop debating, just flag this video as innaproprieted... Report it to Google. About the movie, what a? bullshit !停止争论吧,给谷歌检举违规内容。关于这个电影,真是一坨屎!??? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????....???? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????....???? ???? ????没有上帝,上帝和穆罕默德是他的先知,穆罕默德是安拉的使者。


Do not love something too much as it may be a bad thing for you....Do not hate some thing? too much because it may be a good thing for you....



Are you happy now, Sam? Did you knock over bee hives as a? child?你现在高兴了,山姆?你像一个小孩子那样踢翻了一个蜂箱?


All religions are? man made fairy tales. Stop praising and respecting the deluded.所有的宗教都是人编的神话。别再赞扬和尊重迷信了。

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